Dipcan is the official App of the Dipcan Studio, a project that hasas objective the generation of an Artificial Intelligence algorithmthat will integrate clinical, radiomic, anatomopathological andGenetics of 2,000 patients with metastatic cancer. In turn, thestudy will allow participating patients to have abetter knowledge of your oncological disease.Through this App, patients will have access to the results ofthe tests carried out throughout the study. These results will beconfidential, however, the user may consult them with theirpasswords and share them with other doctors or centers if sodeemed accurate, at your own risk.At the end of the study, the project oncologist will explain to the patientthe findings found in detail and will answer all your questions.However, patients will continue to see their oncologist for theirroutine treatment and check-ups.Dipcan is an observational research study, so noadminister treatments that improve survival or quality of lifepatients lives. The knowledge gained through itwill try to help the elaboration of health strategies todiagnose and treat the most cost-effective tumorsprevalent at the population level.The study begins in 2022 and will end in 2024. Throughoutthis time the precise diagnostic tests will be carried outnecessary for the development of the project and the integration of thedata.The project has European funding within the Next programGeneration EU, granted through the Ministry of Economy andDigital Transformation, and is led by Eurofins Megalab incollaboration with the MD Anderson Spain Foundation, Genomcore,Artelnics, Pangaea Oncology, Quibim and Atrys Health.The integration of all the clinical, radiomic,pathological and molecular data obtained from the participants in thestudy could help advance the treatment of patients withmetastatic cancer. This information could provide insightmultidimensional cancer in the Spanish population from allangles. If you participate in Dipcan, you will be helping to build themedicine of the future!